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Expunging a DUI Record in Colorado

While many states across the country permit those individuals convicted of DUIs to expunge their records under certain circumstances, not all states permit individuals to expunge their records.  Only in very select circumstances can a qualified Colorado DUI defense attorney expunge the record of an individual convicted of a DUI offense.  For instance, juveniles convicted […]

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Reasonable Suspicion and DUIs

Very often, law enforcement officials use saturation checkpoints or other types of periodic, roadside sobriety checkpoints to charge suspected drivers with DUIs or DWAIs. These checkpoints play an important role in officials’ efforts to maintain safe roadways and prevent life-threatening automobile wrecks. Checkpoints aside though, law enforcement officials have other means of keeping roadways clear of intoxicated

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Yes, You Can Be Charged for Carrying a Bottle of Beer

Only seven states in the United States do not have open container laws. Open container laws basically dictate where you can publicly drink alcohol, and yes, you can face charges for a violation. Open container laws were implemented in an attempt to preserve communities’ quality of life, curb drunken behavior in public, reduce the number

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Minor in Possession Laws Aim to Curb Underage Drinking

Underage drinking and driving continues to be a problem nationwide. Many DUI-related vehicle accidents and fatalities involved an underage driver. Minor in possession (MIP) laws were created to increase awareness of the dangers of driving while drunk or intoxicated and to help minors get help for drug and alcohol addiction. Minor in possession is defined as

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