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Drug Charges

Will My Marijuana Usage Impact My Child Custody Battle?

If you are going through a divorce with children, child custody questions are always on the forefront of your mind during this stressful time. If you use marijuana either medicinally or recreationally, you may have additional questions surrounding marijuana usage, especially since Colorado’s laws have changed so much over the past few years. If you use […]

Will My Marijuana Usage Impact My Child Custody Battle? Read More »

Drug Possession is a Serious Charge That Requires a Good Defense Attorney

Depending upon the amount of drugs found on your person, in your car or on your property, you could be in for some serious punishments if you are convicted on drug possession charges. Even a small amount of illegal or illicit drugs could result in heavy fines, probation or a prison term. In order to

Drug Possession is a Serious Charge That Requires a Good Defense Attorney Read More »

Marijuana Possession and Potential Consequences

Many states now allow the medicinal-use of controlled substances such as marijuana for the purpose of alleviating the symptoms of debilitating diseases such as cancer glaucoma, HIV, and AIDS. While the new laws governing the controlled substances permit individuals suffering from such diseases to possess and even grow specified quantities, the new laws by no means

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