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Criminal Defense

What to Do If You’re Charged With a Sex Crime

There’s only one thing you need to do if you’re accused of a sex crime in Colorado: retain a Colorado criminal defense attorney pronto. Retaining an attorney with a proven track record in successfully winning sex crime cases is even better. Even if you are innocent, you’re better of letting your attorney tell your side of

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Marijuana Charges: How a Criminal Defense Attorney Can Help

While Colorado has made marijuana legal for use under very specific circumstances, individuals can still face drug charges like marijuana possession that require the services of a Colorado criminal defense attorney. Colorado’s medical marijuana laws are constantly in flux, with new statutes being added and different restrictions placed on the possession and use of the drug every year. Even

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Criminal Defense Attorneys Can Help in Municipal Court

Many people, when facing a legal matter in a local or municipal court, think that they won’t need the assistance of a Colorado criminal defense attorney. Nothing could be further from the truth. Municipal courts in Colorado handle many kinds of criminal cases that can have far-reaching legal consequences if they result in a conviction.

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