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Criminal Traffic Offenses: Driving Without Insurance

Under Colorado law, motorists are required to carry minimum amounts of auto insurance, and they can be subject to some serious penalties if they are caught driving without it. While many Colorado drivers may think that traffic offenses are no big deal, a Colorado criminal defense attorney should be consulted when criminal charges are associated

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Marijuana Charges: How a Criminal Defense Attorney Can Help

While Colorado has made marijuana legal for use under very specific circumstances, individuals can still face drug charges like marijuana possession that require the services of a Colorado criminal defense attorney. Colorado’s medical marijuana laws are constantly in flux, with new statutes being added and different restrictions placed on the possession and use of the drug every year. Even

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Criminal Defense Attorneys Can Help in Municipal Court

Many people, when facing a legal matter in a local or municipal court, think that they won’t need the assistance of a Colorado criminal defense attorney. Nothing could be further from the truth. Municipal courts in Colorado handle many kinds of criminal cases that can have far-reaching legal consequences if they result in a conviction.

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Minor in Possession Laws Aim to Curb Underage Drinking

Underage drinking and driving continues to be a problem nationwide. Many DUI-related vehicle accidents and fatalities involved an underage driver. Minor in possession (MIP) laws were created to increase awareness of the dangers of driving while drunk or intoxicated and to help minors get help for drug and alcohol addiction. Minor in possession is defined as

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Medical Marijuana Charges in Colorado

The medical marijuana industry is flourishing in Colorado, according to a recent Portland Press Herald article. Even though Colorado medical marijuana growers and distributors may be making money, medical cannabis card holders, drivers and cannabis dispensaries in Colorado can still get charged with drug crimes by Colorado law enforcement. If you are involved in the medical

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Criminal Traffic Offenses Affect Your Driving Privileges and Freedom

Some Colorado drivers think they can get through charges for certain traffic offenses like reckless driving or DUI on their own, just like they would for a speeding ticket. However, a Colorado criminal defense attorney can be invaluable when facing criminal charges related to a traffic offense. While traffic offenses like driving without insurance or

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How Colorado Criminal Defense Attorneys Protect Your Rights

If you’ve been accused of a crime in Colorado, you need an experienced Colorado criminal defense attorney by your side from the first moment that you are contacted by police. Law enforcement officials are dedicated to protecting alleged victims of crimes, and they can sometimes be overzealous in their attempts to catch individuals who they think have

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