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What to Do If You’re Charged With a Sex Crime

There’s only one thing you need to do if you’re accused of a sex crime in Colorado: retain a Colorado criminal defense attorney pronto. Retaining an attorney with a proven track record in successfully winning sex crime cases is even better. Even if you are innocent, you’re better of letting your attorney tell your side of

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Reasonable Suspicion and DUIs

Very often, law enforcement officials use saturation checkpoints or other types of periodic, roadside sobriety checkpoints to charge suspected drivers with DUIs or DWAIs. These checkpoints play an important role in officials’ efforts to maintain safe roadways and prevent life-threatening automobile wrecks. Checkpoints aside though, law enforcement officials have other means of keeping roadways clear of intoxicated

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When You’re Falsely Accused of Domestic Violence

When you’re suspected or accused of domestic violence in Colorado, the impact can be devastating. You get arrested whether or not you actually did anything wrong. Officers can arrest you based solely on any reason they have to believe you may be guilty. The sooner you retain a Colorado criminal defense attorney, the less of an impact

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Yes, You Can Be Charged for Carrying a Bottle of Beer

Only seven states in the United States do not have open container laws. Open container laws basically dictate where you can publicly drink alcohol, and yes, you can face charges for a violation. Open container laws were implemented in an attempt to preserve communities’ quality of life, curb drunken behavior in public, reduce the number

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